Sharon Cornish is a dedicated volunteer at Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community and was recently recognized with the President’s Volunteer Service Award at the Bronze level. She had 210 volunteer hours since January 1, 2024, which qualifies her for the Bronze level of recognition. Sharon was presented a certificate, letter from the President of the United…
Dear Residents, Staff, Families and Community Supporters, It feels like this year, our 70th year, has gone extremely fast! Heading into Fall and the Thanksgiving holiday, it is a good time to express what we are grateful for and what is coming! We have had many celebrations for our 70th, such as the Chamber Happy…
Susan Blair is a dedicated volunteer at Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community and was recently recognized with the President’s Volunteer Service Award at the Bronze level. She has 133.96 volunteer hours since January 1, 2024, which qualifies her for the Bronze level of recognition. Susan was presented a certificate, letter from the President of the United…
Tammy Robbins is a Resident Assistant at Bartels in Aspen Cottage Assisted Living, where she assists in caring for those in the early stages of memory care. Tammy has been a member of the Aspen Cottage team for more than 5 years now and is an excellent ambassador for the Bartels Community. She demonstrates each…
Dear Residents, Staff, Families and Community Supporters, As we celebrate our 70th anniversary, it is hard to believe the year is half over! The staff kicked off the celebration with a meal and special 70th anniversary t-shirts. We continued to celebrate at Concert in Kohlmann and last week’s Bartels outdoor concert with the Greater Waverly…
On a May afternoon, a woman came into the Leisure Services office and told Barb Wagner that she was assisting a friend, Kay, to declutter and get rid of some items she had been hanging onto. She wanted to donate some of the items to Bartels and some of those items belonged to Kay’s mother…
The arrival of spring brings with it a sense of renewal and growth, much like your invaluable support of Bartels’ mission of enriching lives. Your generosity is making a difference for the residents at Bartels and in 2023, your gifts resulted in: A second Tovertafel or “Magic Table” for residents with dementia Renovations and updates…
Dear Residents, Staff, Families and Supporters, “May the luck of the Irish be with you!” is a statement you may hear this time of year! At Bartels, we feel lucky to do the work we do! There are days the work is hard, and there are so many more which are filled with joy, determination…
Exciting News!! Bartels has been named a finalist for the 2024 Healthiest State Annual Awards for our employee wellness program! We are in the top three in the state in the medium-sized workplace category. Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly, strives to promote a healthy workplace and encourages its employees to live healthy. Wellness at…
New home construction underway at Anna Estates, an active living community A new development and option for retirement living is well underway at Anna Estates, located just north of Eisenach Village and Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly. Anna Estates offers 55-plus, independent living for people who are active, engaging and seeking a lifestyle of less…
The team at Bartels was recently able to go above and beyond to makes a resident’s wish of reuniting with her son possible, which is an example of our values and mission at work. Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community strives to demonstrate the Bartels Heart values of Honesty, Empathy, Accountability, Respect and Teamwork, along with carrying…
Christmas Greetings Staff, Residents, Families and Supporters, This Christmas, we’d like to convey our gratitude for our wonderful team and all those we serve! We want to thank you for the commitment to our organization and express grateful thoughts, happy hearts, and well-wishes to everyone! As we celebrate the holiday season, I want to let…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, I want to inform you we have positive Covid cases on 2nd floor of Woodland Terrace. At the current time, this is the only location. Some staff have also tested positive. When visiting with the Nurse Practitioner who comes to our building, she is reporting many cases within communities…
Dear Residents, Staff, Families and Supporters, As we think about Thanksgiving, we typically think about all the smells of a well-prepared meal, family or friends gathering around the table, and bowing our heads in gratitude. Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful, but we most certainly do not have to confine this to a single…
Update – Nov. 10, 2023 Dear Residents, Staff, Families and Supporters, Fall has many changes…harvest, turning leaves, cooling temperatures and darkening nights! I’m not sure if the days seem shorter due to the time change or just because there are so many things happening this time of year. I have many things to update and…
Dear Residents, Staff, Families and Supporters, I want to give you another update on the Covid status at Bartels. There are two cases of Covid at the current time. One staff member who is not working and one resident in the independent apartments at Eichhorn Haus. There are no cases in Woodland Terrace or Evergreen…
Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly, has been a trusted partner of the Waverly community for 69 years and prides itself in carrying out our mission, “Enriching lives through quality services and Christian care,” not only on our campus, but also within the community. Bartels was created from an estate gift to one of the local…
Megan Cerwinske, a Bartels employee, was recently awarded tuition assistance through the Diercks Memorial Healthcare scholarship fund. She is currently an RN and first floor supervisor at Bartels and is pursuing her MSN Leadership at Allen College, Waterloo. “I have always worked in geriatrics and enjoy getting to come in and see the same…
Dear Residents, Staff, Families and Supporters, The Bartels administrative team has decided to start having staff and visitors across campus return to wearing masks beginning Thursday, Sept. 21, and will revisit this decision on Sept. 29. We have had two residents in Aspen Cottage Assisted Living and two residents in Eichhorn Haus Independent Living, as…
Dear Residents, Staff, Families and Supporters, This week we had our annual survey process. There were 6-7 surveyors in the building throughout the week! I want to commend Veronica Shea, Administrator, and all the team members for an awesome survey! This survey showed significant improvement over the last several surveys. There were two complaints investigated…
Dear Residents, Staff, Families and Supporters, The sunshine we have had for a few days has been appreciated by all and some of the residents enjoyed getting outside for walks and wheelchair rides! I believe residents and staff alike are very ready for warmer weather ahead! As one resident said, “We need to wash off…
Dear Residents, Staff, Families and Supporters, The status this week for Covid is very bright! We have taken several residents off of precautions the past couple of days and will continue to take others off of precautions over the weekend and into next week. We have had no additional positive cases this week and have…
Dear Residents, Staff, Families and Supporters, Bremer County is in the red (high) for transmission levels of Covid so there are a few updates I would like everyone to know. We have had positive cases in Woodland Terrace first floor and in Evergreen Arbor. The activities will be one-to-one and there will be no Worship…
Dear Residents, Staff, Families and Supporters, As Bartels continues to navigate this new normal and ever-changing regulations, we are still committed to keeping everyone informed. Bremer County community transmission rate is currently at moderate levels. Bartels currently has one positive resident in Evergreen Arbor. There are also two residents in Skilled in Woodland Terrace who…
Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly, recently purchased a Zoll AED for the Eisenach Village Klubhaus thanks to a generous donation from Mike and Marge McCoy. The Klubhaus is the central hub for 92 homes at Eisenach Village and hosts many events, both large and small. The idea for the addition of an AED was first…
Dear Residents, Staff, Families and Supporters, Bartels was without masks for about a week and unfortunately, even with the community transmission at moderate levels, we now have one positive resident on second floor Woodland Terrace and three positive residents in Evergreen Arbor. We currently have three staff who have tested positive. Any staff in the…
Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly, recently recognized six employees through the Grateful Residents and Families program including Kelsie Wehling, Jennifer Hansen, Megan Cerwinske, Shanice Midthus, Dan Replogle and Laura Clausing. They each received a gift of appreciation for going above and beyond and making a difference. Bartels residents, their families or co-workers can honor staff…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, Did you know smiling not only offers a mood boost but helps our bodies release cortisol and endorphins that provide numerous health benefits, including: • Reduced blood pressure • Increased endurance • Reduced pain • Reduced stress • Strengthened immune system Yesterday, February 1, after three years of masking…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, Thank You for all of your support, wisdom, encouragement and strength in 2022! These are the things that keep us resilient in turbulent times! In 2022, we had many accomplishments with a focus on quality resident care, facility improvements, information technology upgrades, recruitment, retention, workforce, wellness and communication. Covid…
Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly, recently recognized nine employees through the Grateful Residents and Families program including Vickie Chesnut, Janet Waidelich, Randi Hoerman, Rachell Lugg, Kristinia Kielman, Katie Mahler, DeeAnn Christophersen, Angie Daniels and Don Gilbert. They each received a gift of appreciation for going above and beyond and making a difference. Bartels residents, their…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, The holiday is fast approaching and there are a lot of activities happening at Bartels! It is required I educate everyone on a few things…. At the current time in Bremer County and in the Waverly community, transmission of Covid is high. We test staff and residents when anyone…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, I am happy to announce a few changes which just came out this week. Covid regulation changes based on CDC, CMS, IDPH and Bartels revised policies: Screening in at Kiosks Staff: Employees may stop screening in. If a staff member has any flu, Covid, allergy or…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, Labor Day is a day that celebrates the contributions and achievements of workers and represents a day of rest and the end of summer. For our industry the last couple years has added increased workloads, regulations, inflation, financial and work force challenges and less time for rest. As demanding…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, The County is still in substantial transmission along with 93 other counties in Iowa. As of today there are no residents on campus with Covid. There were two staff members who tested positive, but only one who works in the long-term-care area. Here are a couple of things to…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, Bremer County remains in high (red) transmission with 52 Covid positive tests (in the county) in the last 7 days. Bartels currently has three Covid positive residents on Woodland Terrace second floor. We had one staff test positive on Monday. Resident testing will continue on second floor Woodland Terrace…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, Bremer County continues to be at substantial transmission just like 94 other counties in the state. What this means for facilities like ours is that we continue to test staff twice a week, we test residents according to any positive cases and then report our findings to the National…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, Covid update for 7/1/22: Bremer County is in substantial (orange) transmission with 21 positive tests in the past 7 days. Bartels currently has three Evergreen Arbor residents, one Linden Place resident, one Woodland Terrace second floor resident and two staff members who have tested positive for Covid. This particular…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, During the last two Covid testing dates, we had three staff members test positive, but no residents on campus. Bremer County continues to be in the red, which determines how we operate within the long-term-care area. In Iowa, there are 54 counties in high transmission, 37 substantial and eight…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, There continues to be pressure on nursing homes, as well as nursing home closures, due to not having enough caregivers to look after patients. There is intense competition for dietary, custodial, maintenance and nursing staff. It’s appropriately called a workforce crisis, which is not just limited to long-term care…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, Last week a group of leaders from Bartels attended the Leading Age Iowa conference and we learned a lot about how we are all aging. Yet, aging is something we do not like to talk about or discuss. It is important to remember it is happening to all of…
Good Friday and Easter is a good time to reflect. It was two years ago on Good Friday, Bartels had its first Covid case. It truly was not a good Friday! Who would think we would still be talking about the pandemic going into year three? Bartels has pulled together with many good changes and…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, This week there are no positive tests for Bartels residents or staff and there were only 16 positive tests in the entire county! This dramatic decrease is good news for all of us! The regulations continue to change for long-term care providers. We are advocating for the rights of…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, At this time, I would like to report there are no positive cases of Covid in the building or among the staff. The community transmission rate has dropped and we are now in the yellow. All residents within the nursing departments of Woodland Terrace and Evergreen Arbor will be…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, Our update this week includes some good news related to the Covid status at Bartels. Testing this week resulted in no positive residents and only one staff member who had not worked. The one remaining isolated resident will come out of quarantine tonight. Worship service will return to gathering…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, We have been very busy this week spreading love and cheer with Valentine’s Day and Random Acts of Kindness Week! The state surveyors were in our building February 14-17. It is always challenging when they arrive, but they did report all of the residents and families they spoke to…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, The community positivity rate is slowly dropping and the number of positive tests we are seeing at Bartels is also dropping. Our testing results this week showed one resident who was exposed by a family member in Aspen Cottage and three positive staff members. All have fairly light symptoms….
Update – Feb. 4, 2022 Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, I am happy to report Bartels Lutheran Retirment Community is heading in the right direction in regard to Covid-19. The three residents in Evergreen Arbor who had tested positive have recovered and most of the staff who were out, have now…
“Respectful, patient, kind, precise, helpful are just a few of the attributes Melissa Holthaus possesses,” praised CFO Peggy Zumbach. Holthaus is the billing specialist at Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community and was recently recognized for demonstrating Bartels’ set of HEART values – Honesty, Empathy, Accountability, Respect and Teamwork. She was nominated by Bartels CFO Peggy Zumbach…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, I need to communicate to you Bartels is currently in outbreak status, which is defined as three long-term care residents with Covid. The only area within Woodland Terrace with positive residents in the past 14 days is Evergreen Arbor. Assisted living areas of Linden Place and Aspen Cottage have…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, With the ongoing concerns and surge of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, we wanted to give you an update of the status at Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community. As of today, we continue to test staff twice a week and when any staff request to be tested due to new…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, For months Bartels has addressed making the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for staff once we had received the actual regulatory notice. Bartels received such notice November 5, 2021. On this date, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the final rule, directing us to be in compliance with the…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, As you are aware, the COVID-19 vaccines have decreased the number of cases of COVID-19 in nursing homes throughout the country. During that time, nursing homes have encouraged all residents, families, visitors, and staff to become vaccinated. CMS issued a rule for all programs that receive Medicare and Medicaid…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, We have received the Memo from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requiring all healthcare employees, contracted staff and services to be vaccinated. Please see the attached full memo from CMS with the dates and type of institutions this applies to. Bartels will follow the mandatory vaccination requirement…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, The testing this week showed no positive results and Bartels has no positive residents or staff at this time. All areas are open for visitation. Testing of staff next week will be Monday and Thursday from 2:00-4:00 p.m. and will be for UNVACCINATED staff only. The Flu and Pfizer…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, Resident and staff testing this week for the long-term care areas of Woodland Terrace and Evergreen Arbor were all negative. All areas of the Bartels campus are open to visitation. We also offer compassionate care visits if the need should occur for special circumstances. There was one staff member…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, As many of you sports fans know, there is no “I” in the word “TEAM.” A lesser known fact is the word “Wellness” begins with the word “We.” Both of these are a reminder that “We” at Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community are a “team” and a true community working…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community has remained vigilant in following regulations for testing residents and staff and requiring all visitors to screen in and wear a mask. Despite our best efforts, one resident has tested positive for COVID-19 on 1st Floor of Woodland Terrace. This resident was exposed to the…
The residents of Eisenach Village, an independent living community of Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly, have conducted a campaign to raise money for the Water to Thrive organization. Water to Thrive builds water wells in East Africa in locations where clean water is not currently available. The campaign at Eisenach Village was called Village to…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, As of today there are over 50 counties back in the red zone with coronavirus cases. There are 14 long-term care facilities back on the outbreak list. Bremer County is at 6%. Hospitalization and ICU visits have increased and 79% of the hospitalizations and 90% of the ICU admissions…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, Over the last several months the Covid virus and the numerous variants remain active in the country. For Iowa there has been an uptick in those sick and hospitalized. Bartels continues to test on a weekly basis due to the positivity rate in the county being above 5%. There…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, There have been no additional positive cases for staff or residents this week. Families or first points of contact have been notified of specific details for each area, but all areas will return to normal visitation Monday, July 12. There will be another round of testing done Tuesday, July…
Waverly Trees Forever presented a donation of $1,000.00 to Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community Friday, July 2. This donation is to assist them in continuing to replace and plant more trees on their campus. Presenting the donation were Waverly staff and Waverly Trees Forever volunteers Jen Troyna, Garret Riordan, Eric Schares and Paul Cheville, Waverly Utilities…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, In my previous memo, there was a resident test which was pending a higher sensitivity test. Two higher sensitivity tests came back negative and there is another resident pending. This was great news and we were very happy. However, during routine staff testing, two staff members tested positive. These…
Update – June 25, 2021 Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, Today while doing routine resident testing, a Woodland Terrace resident had a positive test on 2nd floor. This resident has been isolated in their room and a higher sensitivity test is being done. Due to this and because we want to be very cautious,…
Update – June 4, 2021 Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, Happy Friday everyone! Spring has sprung and happiness is in air! This week there was a lot of activity at Bartels. Twenty trees were planted around campus, the first spring concert took place in Evergreen Arbor and the monthly testing was done on unvaccinated…
Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community planted 20 trees Wednesday, June 2, in less than two hours thanks to 20 volunteers, 10 employees and many donors! Bartels is proud of its beautiful, expansive green space and walking trail around the campus for the residents, their families, staff and the community to enjoy. Last summer, Bartels had to…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, At the current time Bartels is testing staff and residents as individuals are symptomatic and on a monthly basis. The monthly testing was done for May and there was 1 positive staff member of the 185 who were tested. This individual had not worked for several days, is in…
Dear residents, staff, families and supporters, As we progress through the pandemic, there continue to be changes and updates to regulations. At this point, many of these come with questions instead of answers. There are many rules regarding those who are fully vaccinated and those who are not vaccinated. At the current time, there is…
Marketing and Development Coordinator Angie Daniels (left), Bartels President and CEO Paula Geise, Chaplain Mike Blair, Marge and Mike McCoy, Waverly Rotary Club representative Andrew Kahler, Northeastern Iowa Synod ELCA representative Rev. Mark Anderson, Bartels CEO Cindy Schake and Administrator Veronica Shea Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly, recently purchased a new transit van with a…
Jenn Hansen, RN, at Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community was recently recognized for demonstrating Bartels’ set of HEART values – Honesty, Empathy, Accountability, Respect and Teamwork over the past three months. She was nominated by her co-worker, Brooke Holmes, RN and Assistant Director of Nursing, and Hansen was the winner of the Bartels HEART card drawing…
Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly, recently recognized three employees through the Grateful Residents and Families program including Leah Bertram, Lexi Erdmann and Vickie Chesnut. They each received a gift of appreciation for going above and beyond and making a difference. Bartels residents, their families or co-workers can honor staff members by making a charitable donation…
Grateful Residents and Families Program recognizes 10 Bartels employees Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly, recently recognized 10 employees through the Grateful Residents and Families program. Receiving a gift of appreciation for going above and beyond and making a difference include Emily Harter, Danielle Johnson, Elizabeth Pickar, Aurion Redding, Tori Batton, Sheena Blanchard, Abby Krueger, Kara…
Jennifer Schneiderman, restorative aide at Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community was recently recognized for demonstrating Bartels’ new set of HEART values – Honesty, Empathy, Accountability, Respect and Teamwork over the past three months. She was nominated by her co-worker, Robert Daleske, RN, and she was the winner of the Bartels HEART card drawing at the end…
Weekly Update – Dec. 18, 2020 Dear residents, families, staff and supporters, This week the positivity rate in Bremer County has dropped and today it is 10.5%. This had a great impact on testing results. No staff or residents tested positive! This is great news right before the holiday! Next week, Bartels will test staff…
“Rain or shine, warm or cold, Dan Brinkmann is always there to help with a smile on his face,” stated Chelsea Petersen, Director of Assisted Living and Bartels-at-Home Coordinator. Congratulations Dan Brinkmann for being the Bartels HEART card drawing winner for a $50 gift card! Dan received five Bartels HEART cards over the past three…
Three employees of Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community have been awarded loan assistance from the Diercks Memorial Healthcare Scholarship Fund. Recipients include Jessica Adelmund, RN, skilled coordinator, of Allison; Sheena Blanchard, RN, assistant director of nursing, of Nashua; and Amanda Dobbs, RN, BSN, director of nursing, of Waverly. The scholarship endowment in the Bartels Memorial Foundation…
Join us for a virtual tour of Eisenach Village Independent Living community featuring a Colonnade-style townhome…CLICK HERE!
Join us for a virtual tour of Linden Place Assisted Living…CLICK HERE!
Dorothy Hertel, 97, is a current resident of Linden Place Assisted Living (a part of Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community), Waverly, and has a family legacy with three generations calling Bartels home. Her grandmother, Frieda Droste, resided at Bartels in the original house and is pictured in one of the early photos from 1963. Dorothy fondly…
Linden Place Assisted Living, a part of the Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this month. The assisted living’s longevity is a testament to the caring environment and excellent services provided. The 20 years of experience offers the security of knowing Bartels mission of “enriching lives through quality services and Christian…
Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly, recently purchased a new Clavinova (digital piano). It is similar in styling to an acoustic piano, but with many features common to various keyboards including the ability to save and load songs and to connect to a computer via USB or wireless network. This new Clavinova will benefit over 200…
Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly, is planning a Father’s Day parade Saturday, June 6. All families and friends of residents at Bartels are encouraged to decorate their vehicle, create signs or drive a vehicle their loved one will recognize to drive by Bartels in a parade. Participants should line up in the Wartburg College parking…
Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly, is planning a Mother’s Day parade Saturday, May 9. All families and friends of residents at Bartels are encouraged to decorate their vehicle, create signs or drive a vehicle their loved one will recognize to drive by Bartels in a Waverly Police Department-led parade. Participants should line up in the…
UPDATE Dear Bartels Residents, Family Members and Supporters, As we continue the fight against COVID-19 and work to keep all the residents safe, I am thoughtfully and cautiously thinking through a few changes and upcoming events. My goal is to keep you informed along the way. • May 1, 2020 – Newspapers and mail will…
A new Mentor Program at Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly, kicked off 2020 for the nursing staff and will work to enhance the orientation process, improve staff retention, identify areas of improvement and provide staff members with essential information to perform job duties. Bartels’ mentors will strive to assist new and current employees achieve their…
Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community, Waverly, is hosting a career fair for all nursing positions Thursday, March 26. All RNs, LPNs, CNAs, nursing students and individuals interested in becoming a CNA are welcome to attend and learn more about Bartels from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. on March 26. In a recent…
Congratulations to Sara Sutton for being awarded the Diercks Memorial Healthcare Scholarship Loan Assistance award for the spring of 2020. Your dedication to Bartels’ residents and the field of nursing are exemplary! Thank you for your service to others and being a valued Bartels employee! The endowed scholarship and loan assistance fund of the Bartels…
The Good Shepherd Fund – Lend a helping hand to our residents who need additional funds to cover the full cost of their care. With your support, the Good Shepherd Fund will ensure our residents will have a home at Bartels, regardless of their ability to pay. The Good Shepherd Fund will mean different things to…
Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur vitae est non lacus blandit pretium at eget augue. Aliquam a tellus eu tortor tincidunt fringilla. Nunc et bibendum nisi. Maecenas eu suscipit tortor. Vestibulum porta, sem vel interdum mattis, quam est molestie enim, sit amet efficitur ipsum sapien sit amet elit….
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at libero mattis, vestibulum nisl in, rutrum est. Maecenas accumsan volutpat feugiat. Aenean a diam nec sem hendrerit sagittis eu vel odio. Vestibulum cursus metus vitae tellus ultrices lacinia. Cras ut rhoncus lacus, sit amet luctus est. Nulla ultricies a libero eu convallis. Sed rhoncus elit…
Vestibulum suscipit id dui sed pellentesque. In quis eros ipsum. Aenean eu nisi turpis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla at lacus id eros commodo luctus nec in libero. Praesent condimentum aliquet elementum. Donec lorem ipsum, aliquam eu urna dignissim, pulvinar venenatis ipsum. Ut suscipit porta nunc nec…
Mauris ac orci orci. Nunc vitae rhoncus nunc. Curabitur varius ligula diam. Nunc ac convallis lorem. Ut posuere tempus velit quis consequat. Cras faucibus dolor et turpis eleifend laoreet. Vivamus pulvinar eros eu mi pulvinar sodales. Etiam id cursus enim. Ut pulvinar dui nulla, eget aliquam libero gravida vitae. Etiam elementum sem quis tempus convallis….