Christmas Greetings Staff, Residents, Families and Supporters,
This Christmas, we’d like to convey our gratitude for our wonderful team and all those we serve! We want to thank you for the commitment to our organization and express grateful thoughts, happy hearts, and well-wishes to everyone!
As we celebrate the holiday season, I want to let everyone know we are back to normal operations and cross-floor activities in all areas of campus. Masks will be worn until the spring when it is deemed the flu season and Covid numbers have declined. This was a public health measure long before Covid and this, plus hand washing and asking people not to visit when sick, is still the best way to keep everyone healthy.
We have had a number of Christmas celebrations already and the staff, volunteers and children that have helped or joined us, remind us all of what a kind, thoughtful and generous community Waverly is and what a special feeling of community we have at Bartels. Please see below for additional opportunities to share with us!
December 23, Saturday Caroling through the hallways
9:30 a.m. – Woodland Terrace 1st floor
10:15 a.m. – Woodland Terrace 2nd floor
11:00 a.m. – Evergreen Arbor
Lunch time – Aspen Cottage
December 24, Christmas Eve Communion & Candle Lighting Service
(All worship will be in the afternoon on Dec. 24 with no Sunday morning services that day.)
1:00 p.m. – Aspen Cottage
2:00 p.m. – Evergreen Arbor
3:00 p.m. – Good Shepherd Chapel
4:00 p.m. – Eichhorn Haus Dining Room
December 25, Christmas Carols & Devotions
11:00 a.m. – Evergreen Arbor
11:30 a.m. – Aspen Cottage
Noon – Woodland Terrace 1st floor Dining Room
12:20 p.m. – Woodland Terrace 2nd floor Dining Room
2:00 p.m. – Eichhorn Haus Dining Room
As I reflect over the last year, the work is demanding yet rewarding! Regulations are stringent, but we are exceeding them, and additional staff are needed but the staff we have is awesome and we will continue to hire the right staff one person at a time! It is emotional to say goodbye to people we have loved, yet we have laughed and also made memories. The passion we feel for the work we do gives us hope and strength for the future. Bartels is continuing to prove we are a top provider! As a team, we are great at what we do and we will continue to strive for the highest quality care and workforce in 2024!
Words are never enough to express the appreciation I have for everyone at Bartels or those who support us!  We are so very blessed!
I wish you all a hearty and joyous holiday season and Happy New Year!
Paula Geise, RN, MSN, CEO

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