Dear Bartels Residents, Family Members and Supporters,

As we continue the fight against COVID-19 and work to keep all the residents safe, I am thoughtfully and cautiously thinking through a few changes and upcoming events. My goal is to keep you informed along the way.

• May 1, 2020 – Newspapers and mail will be delivered as they arrive. We have reviewed the data under the guidance of the public health department. I believe this is a safe process and it will help residents stay current with the date and information. This also is a more timely way for families to stay connected for birthdays and other special occasions.

• May 1, 2020 – Return to regular dishes in the areas not impacted by Coronavirus. The regular dishes are washed in a high temperature dishwasher and all staff handling the dishes are using PPE. The residents were struggling at times using paper products. Eichhorn Haus, which is independent living, and Linden Place, which is assisted living, will continue to use paper products at this time because they are eating their meals in their apartments.

• May 5, 2020 – Open deliveries to residents from the outside. This will allow residents, including mothers, mother-in-laws and others over Mother’s Day, to receive items from their loved ones. These deliveries of flowers or packages will be wiped down and sanitized and then delivered. The deliveries should be placed on the table outside of the green entrance and labeled with who they are to be delivered to. Any item not labeled will be given to someone whom Bartels staff feels appropriate and as a way to make someone else’s day.

• May 9, 2020 – Mother’s Day Parade. Bartels is planning a Mother’s Day Parade Saturday, May 9, at 2:00 p.m. The parade will be led by police escort and will travel westbound down 5th Ave. NW. Residents who are able to come outside will be seated in designated areas to watch. Watch for more details. Family members, please get creative with posters, decorations and signage and make sure to show a family name or drive a vehice the resident may recognize. Rain date: May 16

• June 20, 2020 – Father’s Day Parade. Same as Mother’s Day Parade.
Rain date: June 27

Also watch for some unique summer concerts coming up. These will be smaller and held in specific locations of the campus this year instead of one large campus concert.

As always, my goal is to keep residents and staff safe at Bartels. At this time, no visitors restrictions are still in place, and I am still very concerned about any further spread of this virus. All staff are wearing masks and faceshields. The residents and staff miss seeing the families and having those interactions. The teamwork at Bartels during this difficult time has been amazing. The community support has been tremendous and very much appreciated. I am hopeful the things we have planned will be a joyful time for everyone.

Paula Geise, President and CEO
Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community

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