Dear Residents, Staff, Families and Supporters,

Bartels was without masks for about a week and unfortunately, even with the community transmission at moderate levels, we now have one positive resident on second floor Woodland Terrace and three positive residents in Evergreen Arbor. We currently have three staff who have tested positive. Any staff in the nursing areas are required to wear a mask and infection control protocols will be used when working with any positive residents including N95s, gowns, gloves and eye protection.

There will not be any cross floor or large group activities until it is determined there are no further cases and the cases we have are considered recovered. We will continue to communicate. Small group activities will occur with social distancing and masks. Testing of staff assigned to these areas is required.

What makes it difficult at this time is the symptoms are so mild visitors and staff are not recognizing it as a concern and are working and/or visiting and then finding out it was Covid.

We are stressing to staff and visitors, if you have any respiratory symptoms you must wear a mask. Staff with symptoms will be tested when arriving at work or with any symptoms throughout the day.

Bartels is getting well versed at this and we just want to make sure everyone understands the masks may be on and then off for a while yet.

Here are a few other pointers:
• Don’t visit if you have the slightest symptom
• Staff get tested even with the least little symptom
• Visitors need to sign in at the Kiosk
• Wear a mask even if you are negative, if you have symptoms
• Read ongoing communications so you can stay informed of changes
• Staff who have not signed up for text alerts, should do so. This will be helpful to you and Human Resources can assist you in the sign-up process.

I hope everyone has a great Super Bowl Sunday! We will continue to cheer for our team here at Bartels!

Wishing everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day too! We have plenty of sweet treats and singing planned for next week!


Paula Geise, RN, MSN, CEO

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