Tammy Robbins is a Resident Assistant at Bartels in Aspen Cottage Assisted Living, where she assists in caring for those in the early stages of memory care.

Tammy has been a member of the Aspen Cottage team for more than 5 years now and is an excellent ambassador for the Bartels Community. She demonstrates each of the “Bartels Heart Values” every day as she provides care and programming in collaboration with the Aspen Cottage team. The Bartels HEART Values include H-Honesty; E-Empathy; A-Accountability; R-Respect; and T-Teamwork.

Tammy recently demonstrated her strong commitment to Bartels by going above and beyond for one of the Aspen Cottage residents.

When resident Shirley Buhr found herself in the hospital in Iowa City, the Aspen Cottage team and especially Tammy demonstrated that their commitment to Shirley’s well being extended well beyond the walls of Aspen Cottage.

Tammy was planning a trip to Iowa City for an appointment of her own when she offered to make an extra stop to see Shirley while she was there. So, on behalf of the Aspen Cottage team, Tammy gathered some of her personal effects, put together a care package and delivered it all right to Shirley’s bedside in Iowa City.

Shirley was happy to see a familiar face in an unfamiliar environment. She appreciated Tammy’s visit and enjoyed having a few items from home. She welcomed the warm blanket and the soft stuffed animal from the care package as well. When their time together ended, Tammy said goodbye and shared the well wishes from all of her friends at Aspen Cottage.

It wasn’t long after Tammy left the hospital that Shirley’s family arrived at the hospital to keep her company, where Tammy’s kind gesture did not go unnoticed.

The very next day, Brenda (Shirley’s daughter), called Kara, the director at Aspen Cottage, to recount the event. She expressed her surprise and overwhelming appreciation for Tammy’s act of kindness. “Taking time to stop by, thinking of the things Shirley might need while she was away, gifts … and she hand delivered it,” Brenda exclaimed. “It’s just incredible!” She went on to say Bartels is very lucky to have someone like Tammy on the team and that they were beyond grateful for her kindness. Her thoughtfulness and commitment were simply above and beyond the call of duty.

As a proud member of the Bartels team, Kara stated it was a wonderful call to receive … even better to deliver the message to Tammy herself. Well done team! Keeping living those Bartels HEART values!

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